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Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Buried 2010 BDRiP XviD-iMBT

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Release Group: iMBT
Release Name: Buried.2010.BDRiP.XviD-iMBT
Release Date: 23 Dec , 2010
Filename: imbt-buried-xvid
Source: n/a
Size: 700mb
Genre: Drama | Mystery | Thriller
Video: XviD | 640 x 272 | 637 kbps
Audio: English | AC3 | 384 kbps
Subtitles: English || Indonesia
Runtime: 91 mins
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10 (8,244 votes)
RT Critics: 7.2/10 ( 129 reviews)
Directed By: Rodrigo Cortés
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, José Luis García Pérez and Robert Paterson

Storyline English
Waking groggy in pitch darkness, Paul Conroy, an American truck driver working as a contractor in Iraq in 2006, slowly realizes he is trapped inside a wooden coffin, buried alive. With his cigarette lighter, he can see the trap he is in, and he quickly realizes that there's not enough air for him to live long. He finds within the coffin a working cellphone, which allows him contact with the outside world. But the outside world proves not to be very helpful at finding a man buried in a box in the middle of the Iraqi desert. Paul must rely on his best resource--himself.

Paul Conroy belum siap untuk mati. Saat ia terbangun 6 kaki dibawah tanah dengan tidak mengetahui siapa yang menempatkan dia disana dan apa sebabnya, kehidupan sopir truk dan ayah ini seperti di neraka, berjuang untuk bertahan hidup. Terkubur hanya dengan satu ponsel dan korek api, komunikasi dengan dunia luar yang terbatas. Sinyal buruk, baterai menipis, dan pasokan oksigen berkurang menjadi musuh terburuk dalam terbatasnya waktu - panik, putus asa dan frustrasi, Paul hanya memiliki waktu 90 menit untuk menyelamatkan diri sebelum mimpi buruknya menjadi kenyataan.

[MF] Buried 2010 BDRiP XviD-iMBT
subtitle English || Indonesia
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